

June 2024

Kiel Week has started off with a bang!

Kiel Week commenced with exhilarating races, particularly in the ILCA 7 class where French sailor Jean-Baptiste Bernaz demonstrated his dominance. With near-perfect performance across races, Baptiste consistently finished at the top, showcasing his tactical prowess and sailing skills. The favorable weather conditions played a significant role, allowing for smooth and competitive races. The 49er, 49erFX, and Nacra 17 classes also saw strong starts, setting an energetic and dynamic pace for the week. The variety of races highlighted the diverse talent present at the event.

©Sascha Klahn

Day two of Kiel Week brought intense competition, especially in the ILCA 6 class, where Polish sailor Agata Barwinska took the lead. Barwinska's strategic sailing and consistent finishes pushed her to the forefront, exemplifying her competitive edge. The day was marked by shifting weather conditions, challenging the sailors to adapt and refine their strategies. In addition to the ILCA 6, the Nacra 17 and 49er classes continued to captivate with their fierce contests, further intensifying the event's competitive atmosphere. Sailors across the board showcased resilience and adaptability.

©Christian Beeck

The third day was dominated by German sailors Katharina Schwachhofer and Elena Stoltze in the 49erFX class. They maintained their lead with remarkable finishes, demonstrating exceptional coordination and skill. Their main competition came from a strong Norwegian team, but Schwachhofer and Stoltze managed to stay ahead. Meanwhile, in the 49er class, Richard Schultheis and Youenn Bertin climbed to first place overall with consistent high finishes. The ILCA 7 and ILCA 6 classes continued to witness tight races, highlighting the intense level of competition. The day's races underscored the sailors' strategic depth and endurance.

©Sascha Klahn