

June 2024

2024 European Junior Championships comes to an end

Lake Lipno in the Czech Republic hosted an unforgettable week at the 2024 European Junior Championships for the 49er and 49erFX classes, alongside the Eurocup event for the 29er class. The event brought together the best young sailors from across Europe, all vying for a place on the podium in a showcase of skill and determination.

Over 140 competitors from 18 nations gathered at Lake Lipno, ready for four days of intense racing. The championship kicked off with a slow start on the first day, with only one race completed due to calm winds. However, conditions improved significantly as the event progressed. On Friday, the competition heated up with the addition of a fleet of 29ers, accompanied by winds gusting up to 22 knots. The robust winds tested the sailors' abilities and added an extra layer of excitement to the races.

Saturday's conditions mirrored those of Friday, with steady winds providing an excellent opportunity for the competitors and the race committee to maximize their efforts. Four races were successfully completed, showcasing the sailors' resilience and strategic prowess. The event concluded on Sunday, the final day, with the remaining scheduled races taking place in a light to moderate breeze. The varied weather conditions throughout the event ensured a comprehensive test of the sailors' skills, making for a thrilling conclusion to a week of high-caliber competition.

The 2024 European Junior Championships will be remembered for its challenging conditions, the impressive display of young talent, and the camaraderie among competitors from across Europe.

49er – overall

1)Lorenzo Pezzilli/Tobia Torroni

2)Pablo Rüegge/Linus Abicht

3)Carl Krause/Lennart Tolzmann

49erFX – open

1)Christoffer Per Schwall/Federick Schwall

2)Attila Tóth/Levente Borda

3)Svit Sterpin Dujmovic/Maj Petric

49erFX – women

1)Jule Ernst/Mara Helle Casper

2)Klara Sobczak/Anna Zwara

3)Marcelina Korszon/Magdalena Skórnóg

29er – overall

1)Martin Zarandy/Csekovszky Mor

2)Demurtas Victoria/Caroline Karlsen

3)David Rohde/Schwarz Jakob

Full results can be viewed at this link: