

October 2023

Gintare Scheidt second in Women's Snipe World Championship

SSL Team Lithuanian Captain Gintare Scheidt, together with crew Maj Hansen Borgen, has finished second in the Women's Snipe World Championship (SSL 2500) at Valencia Mar, Spain.

Gintare Scheidt and Maj Hansen Borgen (c) G.Baixauli

43 boats, with athletes from Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, the United States, Chile, Finland, Japan, France, Great Britain, Lithuania, Portugal, and Spain took part in the event between 3rd and 8th October, with Brasil’s Bruna Patricio and Juliana Duque winning overall, and the Spanish team of Martina and Patricia Reino completed the podium.

Overall Results: (top five)

  1. BRA Juliana Duque & Bruna Patricio, 9 points
  2. LTU Gintare Scheidt & Maj Kristin Hansen Borgen, 22 points
  3. ESP Martina Reino Cacho & Patricia Reino Cacho, 29 points
  4. ARG Trixi Agusti & Mariana Safar Exeni, 30 points
  5. USA Kathleen Tocke & Arianna Buzzetti, 34 points
Kathleen Tocke in SSL Jerseys (c) G.Baixauli
Kathleen Tocke (right) and Arianna Buzzetti (left) in their SSL Jerseys (c) G.Baixauli


Mark Jardine

Mark has been managing sailing websites since 1996, always being at the forefront of technology, and now manages the combined and network. He has covered events such as the International Moth World Championship and Cowes Week, focusing on the sailors' thoughts and words. Mark has been European Champion in the Farr 30 & J/24 class and has won numerous UK titles, and competes regularly in local and national events in dinghies and sportsboats.