

September 2023

SSL Gold Cup in the news!

The announcement that Anfi del Mar in Gran Canaria is hosting the SSL Gold Cup in November is big news in the Canary Islands, with many of the Spanish national and more local press outlets featuring stories about the event which will crown the World Champion of Sailing Nations.

SSL Gold Cup Finals - press clippings
SSL Gold Cup Finals - press clippings

Europa Press opened with a superb photo of Luis Doreste, SSL Gold Cup Event Ambassador and SSL Team Spain Captain helming an SSL 47 yacht, leading with news of the 40 national teams who will compete in Gran Canaria, together with quotes from José Javier Sanz, President of the Real Federación Española de Vela, Rafael Bonilla, President of the Real Federación Canaria de Vela, and Luis Doreste himself. Read the article here…

La Provincia, the newspaper of Las Palmas led with a photo of SSL Team Spain sailing, focusing on the prestige of hosting many of the best sailors in the world in Gran Canaria, and the participation of more than 400 athletes in the event. Read the article here…

Masmar, the nautical portal on the internet, published the full press release together with photos and video of the SSL Teams in qualification and training. Read the article here… canariasahora, translated as ‘Canaries Now’, lead with ‘Gran Canaria is increasing its prestige as an organizer of sporting events: chosen as the venue for the SSL Gold Cup, the first Sailing World Cup’, which underlines how important being award the event is to the island. Read the article here…

Mundo Deportivo read with the line ‘It is a sailing competition like the Football World Cup.’ together with a superb Martina Orsini photo of SSL Team Spain in their team kit on an SSL 47 yacht. Read the article here…

ABC highlighted how the Captain of SSL Team Spain, the Canarian star Luis Doreste, expressed his joy at the designation of Gran Canaria to host the event, highlighting the nautical tradition of the island. Read the article here…

There are of course many more news outlets, in the Canaries, the rest of Spain, and around the world which have carried the story. The excitement is building quickly towards the SSL Gold Cup Finals, taking place from 10th November to 3rd December 2023!

Mark Jardine

Mark has been managing sailing websites since 1996, always being at the forefront of technology, and now manages the combined and network. He has covered events such as the International Moth World Championship and Cowes Week, focusing on the sailors' thoughts and words. Mark has been European Champion in the Farr 30 & J/24 class and has won numerous UK titles, and competes regularly in local and national events in dinghies and sportsboats.